
In the initial development phase of the Phoenix ecosystem, three activities are fundamental to the ASH Token's utility: earning, burning, and support to environmental projects.

Allocation Amount
Foundation 5,500,000,000,000
Fundraise 3,000,000,000,000
Team 1,000,000,000,000
Liquidity Pool 500,000,000,000
Ash Token Total Supply 10,000,000,000,000

Earning Ash Tokens

A 10% fee is applied to all transactions of ASH Tokens in the Phoenix Ecosystem. ASH Token holders are incentivized to hold their Tokens by way of the ASH Token Redistribution Mechanism.

  • 5% of all transaction fees are redistributed to ASHtoken holders
  • 5% of all transaction fees are transferred as liquidity tokens to the PancakeSwap Liquidity Pool (LP)
  • 1% of all transaction fees are transferred to the PhoenixDAO Environmental Fund
  • 1% of all transactions fees burned for the purposes of price adjustment
  • 88% of all transactions fees are spent on covering blockchain infrastructure costs

Burning Ash Tokens

On a biweekly basis, 60% of the newly accumulated Liquidity Pool tokens will be transferred from the liquidity pool, the majority of them as proceeds for the Ash DAO Environmental Fund.

In the best interests of the community, the burn process is instituted as part of a manual extraction process occurring every 30 days.

The burn process will occasionally increase the floor price. The burn process is integrated into the logic of supporting new environmental projects through the Ash DAO Environmental Fund.

The Ash DAO will be able to adjust the process as the Phoenix ecosystem grows, in order to provide optimal support for these projects.

What is unique about the ASH Token economy is that it universally provides a goodwill commitment to the speculative nature of cryptocurrency trading – both incoming and outgoing transactions intrinsically reflect the environmental cause of the Ash DAO.

The initial algorithms for the Ash tokenimics will provide the following tokenomics flow:

  • Of the newly accumulated LP Tokens (the 5% fee) over one month cycle, 60% will be removed from the PancakeSwap Liquidity Pool
  • 50% of the funds removed will be in BNB, and the other 50% in ASH tokens
  • The tokens will be allocated to over arching environmental initiatives - the Ash DAO Environmental Fund - in public and transparent wallets, vetted by the community constituting the Ash DAO.

Of the extracted BNB:

  • 67% for environmental projects
  • 20% marketing fund
  • 13% business & logistics fund

All three funds will have public wallet addresses providing transparency and auditability to the DAO community.

Of the extracted ASH token from the Liquidity Pool:

  • 67% are burned for price adjustment
  • 33% are allocated to community give aways such as airdrops and competitions

Of the total ASH token transactions fees:

  • 1% of the accumulated transaction volume over the one month period will be transferred to the Phoenix DAO Environmental Fund
  • 1% and will be burned for the purposes of price adjustment